Vintage black & white image of a steam locomotive that has crashed from an upper floor of a multi-storied train station at Montparnasse, France. The Montparnasse derailment occurred at 16:00 on 22 October 1895 when the Granville–Paris Express overran the buffer stop at its Gare Montparnasse terminus.

(540) 946-7700 ext. 168


Yount Barracks
Room: 6


World History

Academic Cadre

CPT Robert Loveland (VA)

Instructor, Advisor

Consistency and communication are keys to success whether you’re a student at Fishburne, a parent of a cadet or a young adult ready to make your way in the world. That’s why I love the structure here. It helps students stay focused and consistent. Plus, the faculty is committed to cultivating a dynamic group of young men. Your experience at Fishburne is what you make it. 

Slippery Rock University in Pennsylvania is where I earned my Bachelor of Arts in History. 

I’m a laid-back history lover. I love how history helps explain the ways things are in the world. My out-of-the-office interests include playing tennis, watching football and spending time with my friends.  I’m a big Beatles fan, and love old rock n’ roll. As for movies, Inception will forever be my favorite movie.

  • Favorite cookie

    Chocolate chip

  • Favorite movie star

    Matthew McConaughey

  • Best book ever written

    Of Mice and Men

  • Horror or Comedy


  • Favorite Valley destination

    Gypsy Hill Park

  • Sports team I hate

    Ohio State Buckeyes….Go Blue!

  • Best thing about teaching

    Seeing growth in students